Tuesday, April 12, 2011

High roundhouse kicks training in Muay Thai

High roundhouse kicks training in Muay Thai

High roundhouse kick

This is a very rare technique and you can do it every Muay Thai training
You use high kick to attack the shoulders to head

It's a cool  skill you need it to finish muay thai fight so you need to master this skill .
So it's a part of muay thai heavy bag kicks workout so let's see how to do i t.
You need to warm up to avoid Injuries during your workout .
See warm up on How to warm up for muay thai kicks workout .

Now let's start
  1. Go into the basic muay thai stance .
  2. move your body forward to the target. 
  3. Rise your knee to you chest Then round  your body to the side then throw you foot to target  You can use  human or use the muay thai heavy bag.
  4. back to your first stance .
See instructed video

You can also see The roundhouse kick the complete guide or low roundhouse kick and the mid roundhouse kick it requires more Flexibility on muay Thai stretches .

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